9454337 Educational Collaborative for Greater Boston, Inc. (EDCO) Eileen McSwiney TRANSITION: Initiating Change in Mathematics Teaching and Learning TRANSITION is a 40-month project designed to extend the knowledge and instruction strategies of 306 grades 3-8 teachers so they can more effectively support active student learning of mathematics concepts and skills. The project is a collaboration between local school district members of The Education Collaborative for Greater Boston, Inc. (EDCO), Education Development Center (EDC), and TERC research and development firms located in the greater Boston area. Participants will learn the mathematics and instructional strategies embedded in exemplary EDC and TERC curriculum units. They will teach four new units in their classrooms over a period of two years. After one year of the enhancement, 36 members of the group will be recruited to serve as teacher leaders. They will receive additional preparation for that building and district role. The project will foster the professional development of teachers, enhance the school district's capacity to pilot and adopt new standards-based curriculum, and support systemic change. The project is supported at $897,093 with a 13% cost-sharing.