9550080 Catherine Twomey Fosnot City College of the City University of New York Summermath in the City This is a 5-year project to enhance 810 NK-6 teachers of mathematics in five school districts in New York City. Ten entire schools are targeted and developed as demonstration/resource sites for the districts as well as for teacher preparation program through CCNY. By the fourth year, this is a systemic model available to the NYC Urban Systemic Initiative project. This project is connected with the Freudenthal Institute, Netherlands, with its research and school-based focus on teaching mathematics through real world problems. Video materials developed through the Freudenthal Institute and in NYC classrooms in this project will be available as the project progresses. The project has 5 phases: a two-week summer institute, a year-long course involving in-classroom collaboration (co-teaching, co-reflecting, co-planning), teachers collaborating with teachers on-site, field research and writing, and developing teachers as leaders to co-teach institutes totaling at least 30 days of enhancement for classroom teachers and up to 150 days for leader teachers at the demonstration schools. The project evaluation has three dimensions: student outcomes, teacher change, and the development of whole school cultures necessary for successful mathematics reform.