9553579 Borasi The University of Rochester (NY) targets all 48 middle school mathematics teachers in four area schools in an experimental model for Local Systemic Change through Teacher Enhancement in Mathematics. The four-year project has a concomitant "research in practice" component involving the ethnographic study of the reform efforts undertaken by the four schools and a comprehensive evaluation of the outcomes of such efforts. The research is expected to yield both basic and applied findings about "best practices" for systemic reform in mathematics, especially at the middle school level. The teacher enhancement component includes introductory and advanced summer institutes and academic year inservice activities that support teachers and school administrators as they build a shared vision for school mathematics and that enable teachers to implement four of the NSF-funded middle school curriculum projects (Seeing and Thinking Mathematically, Mathematics in Context, Connected Mathematics, and MMAP). Each of the 48 teachers receives at least 140 hours of professional development. Of these 48, 8 lead teachers receive a minimum of 220 hours of professional development. Project evaluation addresses (1) the quality and effectiveness of the teacher enhancement component, (2) outcomes of the systemic reform efforts promoted in the four target schools, (3) the rigor and significance of the associated research. Estimated cost-sharing from the University of Rochester, SUNY/Geneseo, Twelve Corners Middle School, Merton Williams Middle School, Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School, Ada Cosgrove Middle School, and individual partners represents 165% of the NSF award amount.