9555644 Sermon-Boyd In a three-and-a-half-year project which builds on a prior planning grant, Jones County Schools (NC) targets all 85 teachers of mathematics and mathematics-related disciplines in grades K-12 throughout the school district in a teacher enhancement program designed to improve their mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge. With assistance and support from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, the project assists teachers and administrators (a) to develop a shared vision of mathematics learning that empowers students in making sense of mathematics, (b) to become knowledgeable about instructional materials developed by the NSF curriculum development projects, (c) to build networking in the district to sustain improvements in mathematics instruction, and (d) to build a cadre of lead teachers to provide ongoing support for the network. During the first two years of the project, the focus is on increasing teachers' content and pedagogical knowledge and on familiarizing all teachers with some of the major curriculum projects supported by NSF. During 1997-98, teachers actually teach selected units from 2-4 curriculum projects and prepare reflection papers of their successes with the units, prior to selecting new instructional materials for district adoption during late winter 1998. During the third year, a group of fifteen lead teachers receives additional enhancement on the curriculum projects and on leadership. During the final half year, the lead teachers receive continued support and project evaluation is completed. Over the life of the project, the fifteen lead teachers receive 423 hours of teacher enhancement and all other mathematics teachers receive 303 hours. An additional ten teachers of mathematics-related disciplines receive 147 hours of professional development. Project evaluation addresses several key indicators of mathematics instruction: (a) teachers' knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about mathematics content and pedagogy, (b ) nature of the mathematics instruction delivered to the students, (c) quality of workshop sessions, (d) student performance, and (e) view of parents and school administrators about mathematics instruction in Jones County. Project partners with the Jones County Schools are the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Math Education Network, the North Carolina Science and Mathematics Alliance, and the North Carolina SSI. Estimated cost-sharing from partners represents 59% of the NSF award amount.