9619041 Nelson This five-year project, sponsored by the American Association of Physics Teachers, will carry out an extensive teacher enhancement program serving primarily teachers of physics in the nation's urban areas. The project will be based upon the successful Physics Teaching Resource Agent (PTRA) model. Teachers will be selected from urban schools throughout the country to participate in an intensive one-week program each summer for five years. In the program, project staff will teach teachers physics content and innovative teaching strategies. The workshops will take place just before the AAPT summer meetings which these teachers will also attend. In each of the academic years of the project, these teachers will carry out in-service programs with colleagues in their districts who teach physics or physical science so that the knowledge gained in the summer program will be disseminated throughout the urban area. This in-service activity will be supported by project staff and lead PTRA teachers from their geographic area. Altogether, 575 teachers will be served by the project. Matching funds constitute 7% of the NSF award.