"Virtual Immersion in Scientific Inquiry for Teachers (VISIT)" is an Online Collaboratory for teachers to participate in ongoing scientific investigations of contemporary problems in their localities. This project will immerse 200 secondary teachers from Detroit and Boston in investigations that use extensive data analysis tools, supported by colleagues and scientists throughout the year. These activities support state curricula and frameworks in chemistry, environmental science, ecology, biological and earth sciences. The investigators will receive graduate credit from EMU. An additional 800 teachers would be "explorers" with some limited exposure to key topics and skills.
The VISIT model and materials will be disseminated both nationally and in Southeastern Michigan through the educational programs of local, state, and national scientific government agencies, online courses, special science education projects and systemic initiative projects. VISIT plans to engage at least 1,000 teachers over three years and to replicate the model and materials in at least six other urban areas.