This project is being conducted by a consortium of two-year and four-year institutions including Finger Lakes Community College, Fulton Montgomery Community College, New York City Technical College, and Hofstra University in cooperation with the New York State Education Department to systemically reform Advanced Technological Education (ATE) curriculum in New York State. The three-year New York State Curriculum for Advanced Technological Education Project (NYS CATE) is developing, field testing, and institutionalizing 14 articulated, state-sanctioned grade 9-14 Advanced Technological Education curriculum modules within three overarching areas of technology: Bio/Chemical Technology, Information Technology, and Physical Technology (materials and manufacturing).
NYSCATE is engaging community college, university, and high school faculty; industrialists; state-level policy makers; and NSF ATE Centers of Excellence as collaborators in developing exemplary materials and in unifying secondary and postsecondary segments of the New York State ATE delivery system.
In its third year, the Project will expand the field test of its products to additional sites in New York and three other states to bring a standards-driven, academically integrative, pedagogically contemporary perspective to ATE curriculum and instruction.