The Association of American Universities (AAU) is developing an inter-institutional network of AAU institutions to sustain current exemplary practices in the mathematics, science and technology preparation of teachers and to promote the sharing of such practices in teacher preparation. AAU is convening a forum for vertical teams from AAU universities consisting of college and university administrators, including Deans of Science and Deans of Education, and science, mathematics, engineering, and education faculty. This invitational forum on Exemplary Practices and Challenges in Teacher Preparation, features presentations of models of teacher preparation in mathematics, science, and technology, discussions of implementation strategies, and a webcast of the conference. Outcomes of the forum include publication of the conference proceedings, identification of best practices, and the development of a Campus Action Plan to guide campuses in developing their individual implementation plans for engaging science, mathematics, and engineering faculty in teacher education. The forum reflects the goals of a 1999 Resolution on Teacher Education adopted by the presidents and chancellors of AAU calling for an increased effort to certify disciplinary majors to teach, an ongoing commitment to integrate the research activities of universities with preservice and continuing teacher education, and a renewed emphasis on the importance of engaging the university faculty more fully in their roles of preparing future teachers, experienced teachers, and future teachers of teachers. AAU seeks to create a network of faculty and leaders in research universities who share, develop, and adopt exemplary practices in teacher education.