Physics (13) The project is adapting and developing new courses in material science and nanotechnology in a traditional physics curriculum to better meet the interests, needs, and employment opportunities of majors. The adapted courses are 200 level Material Engineering classes taught in a single semester at the NSF National Nanofabrication Users Network (NNUN), Penn State Nanofabrication Facility. These courses are taught by the Pennsylvania Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology (NMT) Partnership under the joint auspices of the Nanofabrication Facility and the State of Pennsylvania. The NMT classes are a unique opportunity for students to study the techniques and processes involved in state of the art micro- and nanofabrication at a premier research facility. Two new courses in the physics curriculum offer the theoretical foundations for the techniques and process courses offered by the NMT center. This project addresses the lab component of the new courses. The new course offerings, with the addition of the NMT courses, form the basis of a Bachelors of Science Applied Physics Degree with a Nanofabrication Concentration.
This program offers significantimprovement to all three physics degree programs: 1) B.S. Physics majors interested in continuing on to graduate school have an opportunity to work with state-of-the art equipment and to fabricate devices for their undergraduate research projects, 2) B.S. Physics Ed. majors have an opportunity to gain understanding and experience in modern materials and fabrication, which they can take to the classroom to inspire future generations of students, 3) Applied Physics / Engineering majors have a viable four year alternative to the five year program currently offered.