This project isl developing and implementing an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree program in Aquarium Technology and Marine Interpretation. The program is educating individuals to work in the growing number of aquariums, ornamental fish enterprises, aquaculture facilities, and marine recreation and interpretative centers in the Pacific Northwest and throughout the country.
As an Advanced Technology Education (ATE) Adaptation and Implementation Project, Oregon Coast Community College is: (a) Reviewing and adapting curricula on Fisheries Technology developed by Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources (DUE 981315) and aquarist curricula developed by Marine Advanced Technology Education Center (DUE 9752028); (b) Developing additional curriculum specific to aquarium technology and marine interpretation using the DACUM ( Developing A CurriculUM ) process; (c) Submiting and receiving approval for the AAS degree from the Oregon Department of Education, Division of Professional/Technical Education; (d) Enrolling 25 students in the program in each of years two and three of the grant; (e) Developing articulation agreements with Oregon State University and other four-year institutions to facilitate successful transition to related bachelor's degree programs; and (f) Sponsoring annual marine education and career institutes for high school students. These institutes give 100 students per year the opportunity to explore careers in aquatic life support, aquatic animal husbandry and health, and marine interpretation.
The project is accomplishing these tasks with the assistance of local and national partners. The partners provide technical expertise, training facilities, and internship opportunities for students. Local partners include the Oregon Coast Aquarium, the Bureau of Land Management, the Port of Newport, private nature-based tourist enterprises, and the Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center, which includes Oregon State University's Marine Science program, Extension Sea Grant and research facilities for the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. A National Science Foundation funded nation-wide survey indicated strong employer demand for a technical training program of this nature.