The number of students trained in the area of information security and assurance is underrepresented to satisfy the needs. The goal of this proposal is to alleviate this problem by providing at Florida State University scholarship to students under the Federal Cyber Service. Florida State University: is an NSA (National Security Agency) Center of Excellence in Information Assurance Education. has been certified by the National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security (NSTISSC). The courses for information security professionals in the Department of Computer Science satisfy the NSTISSC 4011 standard. Students who have followed the appropriate courses at Florida State University can receive the corresponding certificate. courses in information security are also open to students of the FAMU/FSU college of engineering. has 3 experts in Information Assurance on its staff has a $125,000 laboratory on Security and Assurance in Information Technology (SAIT) Laboratory where students become familiar with the practical aspects of information security. is clearly committed to continue growing this area.