The "Enhancing Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation" (ESP) project addresses the challenges currently facing mathematics teacher education through a three-pronged approach: i) by creating two additional mathematics courses that are specifically targeted at making connections between the formal mathematics courses that currently comprise an undergraduate degree in mathematics and the mathematics that is at the heart of the secondary mathematics curriculum, ii) by revising existing methods courses that are grounded in the practice of teaching and based on current research on effective teaching and learning of mathematics, and iii) by developing a cadre of mentor teachers who enact, support, and promote mathematics education reform efforts in the school environments in which they work and who provide support to pre-service teachers during their field experiences and to beginning teachers within their schools.
The ESP project creates new learning opportunities for pre-service and practicing teachers that are grounded in research. Specifically, through the creation of capstone mathematics courses, the ESP project identifies a body of core mathematical content, which mathematics teachers need in order to possess a deep and integrated knowledge of mathematics. Establishing these courses communicates the need for such courses to the mathematics and education academic communities. The ESP project also creates a model of teacher education based on well-respected research and theories of effective mathematics teaching and learning and of effective professional development for mathematics teachers. The pedagogical training equips project participants to enact reform-oriented mathematics instruction.
The ESP is broadly impacting mathematics education by: i) creating a model of an exemplary teacher preparation program that can be replicated on a larger scale (i.e., course design, university/school district partnerships, mathematics department/school of education partnerships), ii) training a corps of mentor teachers who can continue to serve as lead teachers and promote mathematics reform efforts within their schools, iii) providing a corps of pre-service teachers with training that will enable them to become future leaders in mathematics education reform, and iv) improving the pool of teaching candidates in an urban area serving an underprivileged population. By improving the preparation of mathematics teachers, the ESP project can serve to improve mathematics teaching and thereby improve mathematics learning of U.S. students.