Chemistry (12) This project is enhancing the problem-solving skills of participating students by including a series of discovery-based experiments involving nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques in the undergraduate laboratory curricula. A 300 MHz NMR is being acquired to adapt and implement a series of NMR laboratory exercises previously published in the Journal of Chemical Education. NMR spectroscopy as a tool for structural elucidation is being introduced in sophomore Organic laboratory (2 semesters) where students gain their first hands-on experience with the instrument. In Biochemistry laboratory, students further cultivate critical thinking skills by engaging in structure identification and kinetics projects that require the use of 2D NMR and novel sample preparation techniques. Chemistry majors enrolled in the Instrumental Analysis course take the investigative approach to an advanced level in the study of solid-state systems (phospholipid bilayers) using NMR spectroscopy. Assessment of the student learning and problem solving skills learned as a result of the project is done through embedded examination questions and specific writing assignments and projects which are part of these courses. The new NMR instrument will also be made available to faculty at two nearby teaching universities for use in teaching and undergraduate research