This collaboration provides faculty at 5 Wisconsin campuses with development opportunities in the topics generally referred to as Cyber Security. Each campus has coordinated their activities to take advantage of the synergies available through cooperation, while selecting activities that best suit their own campus faculty and take best advantage of their own local resources. The training is robust, and includes the contribution of the US Army Readiness Reserve Training Center at Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin. They offer an intensive 2-week training session for this faculty. A variety of intra-campus, internal, and commercial training opportunities are included. From this project, significant results are reported to other institutions considering similar needs. This project raises the capabilities of over 29 faculty members throughout the state. In addition, course development is taking place on every campus, increasing the offerings in this area. Finally, course development keeps in mind the modular approach adopted by the collaboration, so that specific elements can be exchanged and shared among these campuses, and other campuses in the United States. Lead for this collaboration is the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Engineering and Applied Science, Center for Cryptography, Computer and Network Security. Collaboration members include: Universities of Wisconsin-Madison, LaCrosse, Parkside, Stevens Point, and Superior. For this project, US Army Readiness Reserve Training Center at Ft. McCoy and Lac Courte Ojibwa, a tribal college, join the project.