This project is developing an integrated sequence of hydrogeology and geophysics instructional modules, modeled instructionally on the SAGE and SHAEP programs, for the geology field course at the University of Missouri-Columbia, targeted to serve two classes of students: students with little or no previous coursework in hydrology and geophysics (Track 1) and students with previous courses in these subjects who have advanced interests in hydrology or geophysics (Track 2). The modules provide background instruction on the objectives and previous results from the field sites, a series of data gathering activities that teach students numerous techniques of field study, and a series of questions that students are exploring through their data interpretations. The modules are building upon the foundation of field mapping, stratigraphic, and structural studies that students have completed during the first weeks of our field course. By building upon this foundation, the modules emphasize the multidisciplinary nature of field hydrogeology and geophysical studies and their relationship to 3D surface and subsurface geology.
The intellectual merits of our project include: 1) field hydrologic and geophysics learning opportunities for students who may have little or no background coursework in hydrology or geophysics, 2) undergraduate research opportunities for students who have pre-requisite coursework in either hydrology or geophysics, 3) a model two-track approach to integrated field hydrology and geophysics instruction within the context of a general field geology course, and 4) dissemination of the general aspects of our model that can be implemented at other geology field courses.
The project's broader impact lies primarily in demonstrating that selected equipment commonly used in research can be integrated into geology field instruction to provide a high quality educational experience for students of varied backgrounds. This project can serve as a model for enhancing field geology courses nationally.