Chemistry (12) This collaborative CCLI/A&I project is integrating "twin" Rigaku/MSC MiniFlex+ powder X-ray diffractometers into the chemistry curricula at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) and the University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) concepts are being incorporated into laboratory experiments that engage students in active learning. Modified courses include forensic science, general chemistry, organic chemistry, instrumental analysis, and inorganic chemistry with the result that approximately 1100 students each year are introduced to XRD techniques through the project. PIs from both institutions are meeting periodically to exchange ideas and resources and to bring students together to share experiences.
Student learning objectives include excitement and enthusiasm for science thinking, awareness of applications of scientific thinking, 3-D manipulation of concepts, and improved quantitative reasoning, problem solving, analysis, and synthesis. To address these objectives, implemented experiments increase in sophistication as students progress through the curriculum, and consist of all typical aspects of powder X ray diffraction including peak matching, spacing calculation, symmetry and unit cells, complex pattern matching, peak shape, theory, determining unit cell parameters, and novel student research projects. Educational materials resulting from these efforts are being broadly disseminated through the web-based Nanoscale Video Lab Manual and Nanoworld Cineplex of Movies,