This project bridges the widening "high-tech gap" between majority and minority communities that can seriously undermine our nation's leadership position in science and technology. The main objective of the project is to build up IA education capacity at NC A&T SU so that it can offer an independent IA program that meets NSA CAE/IAE designation criteria. UNC Charlotte, a CAE/IAE institution, provides critical support to NC A&T SU in this effort. The project also enables UNC Charlotte to further enhance its IA education capacity. With focus on the development of information assurance curricula, the project establishes new IA undergraduate programs within the Computer Science Department at NC A&T SU and within Software and Information Systems Department at UNC Charlotte. These programs, though independent, are designed to share IA resources in order to offer richer electives for students at both institutions. Curriculum development involves activities such as modification of existing courses, new course design and development, as well as laboratory and lab projects development. The project also promotes faculty development at NC A&T SU, through a well-designed faculty summer program.