PureWaterLab is a software resource for education and research on water conservation in manufacturing. The Lab consists of a web site and desktop software which accesses learning modules via the Internet for on- or off-line use. The key educational technology is that of interactive software simulation of manufacturing water systems. Interactive simulations enhance student understanding of complex systems, and the active engagement of students in learning helps attract and retain a diversity of students. Simulations are based on detailed mathematical models from the research literature and include consideration of economic costs and regulatory constraints. Such realistic simulations allow undergraduate students to participate in research on water systems in addition to learning about water conservation. Simulations are one component of the complete educational modules provided, which state learning objectives, include explanatory text and media, encourage collaborative learning, challenge students with projects and quizzes, and solicit feedback. The Lab uses the Internet to distribute educational modules and also to provide course bulletin boards, conversations among students and instructors, links to web resources, and usage logs to aid assessment and evaluation. The software framework is field-independent and can be extended to other educational fields.