This project aims to develop a new biotechnology program for Central New Jersey into one that is recognized the region's world-class industry partners as a solid resource for producing future employees. The project consists of two primary components. The Curriculum and Infrastructure component includes activities to (1) strengthen the biotechnology curriculum by aligning skill sets and instruction with the needs of industry, and (2) develop faculty through industry internships and a Summer Biotechnology Institute for high school and college teachers. The second component is Student Outreach and Support, which includes (1) implementation of specific recruitment strategies directed toward high school students, (2) the development of a community of learners and support systems to promote retention of students, and (3) the building of a high school bridge including concurrent enrollment courses, the Summer Biotechnology Institute for high school teachers and the Life Sciences Career Awareness Day programs.
The intellectual merit of this initiative is ensured by the institution's commitment to providing quality education through rigorous programs that draw upon the wealth of scientific talent from regional partners in industry and academia. The sharing of information nationally generates the broader impact of the program. All project deliverables (course syllabi, teaching modules and recruitment materials) are published in packets and made available through the College's website and through Bio-Link, the national web-based vehicle for curricular and programmatic sharing in biotechnology education. As many of the region's industry partners are worldwide companies, this program reaches the global business community as well.