De Anza College's Animation program is joining with the world's leading computer animation studios and video game companies (Industrial Light & Magic, PDI/Dreamworks, Pixar, Electronic Arts) to create a regional Teacher Training Center and a replicable professional group mentorship model designed to increase the number of well-trained animators to join the game development industry.
Intellectual Merit: Center activities include co-producing a comprehensive series of weekend master classes and summer workshops in curriculum design, animation technique, game development and related audio and photographic technologies, implementing project-based technical experiences mentored by industry professionals, developing and disseminating multidisciplinary prototype curricula for new Game Development certificate programs based on industry needs, and creating a web resource to assist colleges with designing degrees and certificates.
Broader Impact: The activities of the Center are providing access to Bay Area animation and high technology resources to other geographic regions and to a broader range of schools, creating a prototype curricula and an industry mentorship model that can be implemented nationwide, and addressing dramatically changing workforce technical skills needs in a pivotal regional industry.