Chemistry (12) This project adapts two teaching methodologies to create a new chemistry curriculum at Eugene Lang College for students pursuing careers that require strong scientific and quantitative understanding, but are not traditional science or engineering disciplines. The project targets students pursuing careers in diverse fields such as environmental and health policy and law, genetics counseling, science journalism, and K-12 science education. The adapted teaching methodologies, Integrated Lecture and Lab and ChemConnections, incorporate active-learning methods such as contextual learning, discussions, inquiry-based experiments, problem-solving, and group activities. It is a premise of the project that both methodologies are ideally suited for the student body, which needs to understand the chemistry in context, be engaged in activities that sustain their interest, and which include them in the learning process. While the targeted students are motivated to learn science, many do not have particularly strong science and math backgrounds or the inclination to enroll in traditional chemistry classes. The curriculum being developed consists of four new courses: Chemistry Around Us I and II for the introductory level; and two intermediate level courses, Chemistry of Environment and Nanotechnology, which alternate every year. The courses incorporate experiments and active-learning activities that make use of instrumentation and materials selected for that purpose. The project is expected to accomplish several objectives: (1) to create a model multi-year chemistry curriculum for students pursuing careers that require strong scientific and quantitative understanding but are not traditional science or engineering disciplines; (2) evaluation of the success of the curriculum through use of a careful evaluation and assessment component; and (3) dissemination of the project's accomplishments to the broader community. Intellectual Merit: The project adapts methodologies based on teaching methods supported by research as being successful in engaging students and involving them in the learning process, and enhancing conceptual and scientific thinking. This project involves a student body with diverse interests in science, and interested in career paths that are not traditional science and engineering careers. It is therefore expected that results of this project will contribute to the body of knowledge of how to effectively educate non-science majors in understanding fundamental science concepts towards appreciating the role of science in today's society. Broader Impacts: As reports and studies have pointed out, the education of all undergraduates would benefit from a level of scientific understanding of issues facing today's society. The curriculum being developed aims to achieve this, and a successful implementation of this project can serve as a model for a way of achieving this goal. With a student body at Eugene Lang College comprising about 70% women and 11% underrepresented minorities, the project will involve a diverse group of undergraduates.