Interdisciplinary (99) This project introduces inquiry-based instruction in the training of future scientists through the use of NMR instrumentation and equipment found in research and industry labs to significantly improve students' problem-solving skills. Bates College is one of several colleges that have been very successful using inquiry methods to teach chemistry labs and to provide better understanding of laboratory concept and applications. The success of inquiry methods at these other colleges provides the basis for adapting this method of instruction to organic, inorganic and instrumental laboratories. Student teams work on various projects and solve real-life problems using inquiry-based instruction. This teaching approach provides a deeper understanding of the operation and uses of instrumentation that students need in their future professional careers. The National Science Education Standards recommends this method of teaching and encourages pre-service teachers to use it. All future science teachers are now exposed to this teaching method. Even though the number of science pre-service teacher majors is small, many graduates either have taught or teach sciences at high schools after obtaining their science degrees. The broad impact of this program is the enrichment of the academic and professional development of students who will be future teachers, forensic chemists, and researchers. The project provides students with a broad range of scientific and research skills to improve their academic competitiveness at the undergraduate level and encourages them to pursue science careers. Consequently, the project will promote diversity in the scientific workforce of this country.