This project is developing and studying a hybrid workshop model that supports mathematics teachers to integrate National Science Digital Library (NSDL) resources and technologies into their classrooms. The project is directly engaging over 900 teachers of grades 5-9 over its three years, including teacher leaders and those who are not yet making use of technology in their classes. Guided by prior research, the program tailors participation to three groups: (1) those who find a site such as the Math Forum and know immediately how to use it with their students; (2) those who find a site like the Math Forum and would like to use it with their students but need support to do so; and (3) those who find a site like the Math Forum and need support to even think that they could make use of it in their classes. For each teacher group, the proposed workshop program is designed to strengthen teachers' mathematical content knowledge, math pedagogy, and use of technology to support students' mathematical problem solving.
Long-term engagement and curriculum integration for all participants is supported by an instructional program that incorporates a technology-based Problem of the Week (tPoW). The program integrates participants into the NSDL-supported Math Tools ( community of users. Participants are supported to design lessons to go with the tools, evaluate tools, discuss pedagogical ideas, and support one another in active, collegial discussions. Research is addressing the impact of sustained workshop and follow-up on teachers' practices, the work of their students, and the culture of their schools.