(21) Mathematical Sciences. The project is integrating inquiry-based learning (IBL) techniques and materials into the upper division mathematics curriculum. Instructional materials and IBL approaches are being developed and assessed to support three courses: Analysis; Number Theory; and Topology. The overall vision of the project is to foster a new culture in which mathematics is viewed as a central and important aspect of the education of every individual.
As one component of the intellectual merit, the project team is utilizing the strengths of a research university to incorporate research-like experiences for students in a classroom setting as part of their mathematical education. The project also is playing an important role in informing the development of an Undergraduate Research Center (URC) program. The purpose of the Center is to involve students in research at an early stage in their undergraduate careers and to help drive curricular reform. The broader impacts of the project include the current development of a model for others to use to create and support IBL courses.