This project is disseminating results and providing support materials for The Information Assurance and Security (IAS) Education project. The IAS, initially developed in the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Management, Marketing, and Finance at North Dakota State University (NDSU), helps achieve Academic Excellence in Information Assurance and Security Education. The IAS is built upon close collaborations with consultants and partnerships from academia, industry and government. Project tasks include:
1. Training our faculty through the Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education at Iowa State University, in which faculty members develop and deliver information assurance security modules able to be readily included in core courses in IAS. 2. Developing new courses and revising existing ones by integrating IAS modules into selected courses. The federal training documents provided by the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) will be consulted. 3. Tailoring student capstone and course projects to IAS. 4. Establishing partnerships between disciplines and departments, among the U.S. academic institutions, industry and government, for developing specific projects and involving their personnel in teaching. 5. Developing the career interest of junior high school girls in IAS by organizing a workshop session.
This project transfers the remaining project dissemination tasks to Oakland University. 1. Disseminating results and providing support materials developed thus far under the project, especially to Oakland University, MI. Oakland University will adapt the materials we developed. 2. Giving an invited talk on "Wireless Security Initiatives and Research," the second annual IT Security Conference for IT Professionals in Education, Nov. 3, 2005. 3. Presenting papers in conferences. 4. Maintaining an active website to host and provide the project materials. 5. Establishing and enhancing collaborations with Oakland University, Rice University, Iowa State University, Dakota State University, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD, George Washington University, Microsoft, IBM, Gary Cavett & Co. CPAs, US Department of Justice, and FBI, by inviting the representatives and/or visiting them. 6. Continuing the research in the area of Information Assurance and Security. 7. Preparing annual and final reports.