This project aims to provide agricultural industries in Iowa, South Dakota and Missouri with biotechnicians proficient in mathematics, technology, life and agriculture science. The project's activities include sponsoring an academic retreat for community college and university faculty to partner with business and industry leaders to identify core competencies and align curriculum with emerging industry standards. Additionally, the project aims to integrate life and agriculture science biotechnology concepts into existing transfer and agriculture degree programs at community colleges, thereby preparing students to enter a rapidly growing job market or pursue higher education goals. It introduces basic research methodology and science pedagogy to students early in their academic careers, building their confidence and stimulating their interest in science.
Intellectual merit As a result of project activities, (1) biotechnology curricula (and competencies) are developed, piloted, articulated, and disseminated; (2) pre-service, secondary and community college life and agriculture science instructors are trained in at least one area of the biotechnology curriculum, and (3) additional biotechnology education modules are disseminated during an annual summer institute for educators and industry professionals.
Broader impact Curricular development and dissemination in the areas of animal genome, plant engineering, life science and bioethics drive this project. A partnership of twelve high schools, four community colleges and three universities is piloting the curriculum as it is developed and articulated. Curriculum and materials developed are evaluated by internal and external evaluators, and disseminated through the NSF Bio-Link and AgrowKnowledge websites. Team members are presenting project outcomes at several national and regional conferences.