The Developing Instructional Laboratories for Computer Security Education project is developing a comprehensive set of laboratory exercises for computer security education.
Intellectual Merit: This project is developing labs which are being based on real-world security systems and are being designed to systematically cover fundamental security principles. In order to meet a wide range of educational objectives, three types of laboratories: design/implementation labs, exploration labs, and vulnerability labs are being developed. In order to simplify integration, and encourage adoption, the laboratories are being based on a single platform, SEED (SEcurity EDucation DUE-0231122), which is based on Minix and provides operating system level support for computer security education.
Broader Impacts: Computer science education is responding to our society's need for a secure computing infrastructure by introducing computer security throughout the undergraduate curriculum. This project is building the laboratory exercises which are enabling students to ground their learning in experience. Dissemination is being increased by using, when possible, freely available software which is being made available directly to the students for use on their own systems.