This project provides scholarships to a diverse group of academically talented, financially needy students across the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
Intellectual Merit: The project has the following objectives: (1) implementation of multi-departmental processes to develop the STEM Scholarship application, outreach activities, and support services; (2) recruitment of diverse students each year in the STEM disciplines who are financially needy and academically talented; (3) availability of academic support services for all scholarship participants to help them achieve an associate degree and/or transfer to a four-year institution; and (4) development of cohort-building activities that expose and link scholarship participants to a wide of career opportunities. The project allows students access to numerous innovative initiatives in STEM fields, including cutting-edge programs in biotechnology, such as stem cell technology, and computer networking and information technology, including convergence of optical and network systems.
Broader Impacts: The project provides educational funds to students from a wide variety of underrepresented, economically disadvantaged groups. In addition to scholarships, support services are helping students to increase achievement of degrees, transfer to four-year colleges, and entrance into rewarding high-wage, high-skill employment.