This project provides partial support for a conference of representatives from physics departments in research (R1) universities. The conference is to discuss ways R1 physics departments can make systemic change in their undergraduate programs.
Intellectual Merit: Any attempt to change physics instruction in R1 physics departments must take into account the large size of their classes and their management and logistic challenges, the large number of faculty and teaching assistants involved in teaching these classes, the rapid turnover of instructors for these classes, the diversity of their faculty's educational outlook and skills, and the fact that instruction occurs in a milieu of intense concern for physics research. In addition, for changes to be lasting they must become embedded in the department's culture; they must be systemic and robust. Because of these distinctive features, lessons for change at R1 physics departments will come primarily from the experiences at other R1s. Therefore, it makes good sense to have a conference for R1s to discuss their experiences in changing their physics instruction and how each of them can build on others' experiences.
Broader Impact: Physics departments at a number of leading research universities have made or are making significant improvements in how they teach physics. Their work is especially important because these departments have extensive resources and high visibility, and they teach large numbers of students. It is the peers of these institutions that can make the best use of information about how R1s achieve systemic change in physics teaching, about the obstacles to lasting change, and about strategies for overcoming these obstacles.