This project is creating cross-cutting curricula in fossil, hydroelectric, renewable, and nuclear energy for a two-year Energy System Instrumentation and Control Technician (ESICT) Program for energy-production technicians. This effort is meeting the growing regional/national technician workforce demand and increasing the understanding of the energy sector as a career opportunity. It is also improving the pipeline of high school students and other populations into the field as well as maximizing student preparedness. The project is developing and implementing a competency-based curriculum to insure the employability and career mobility of two-year technical college graduates across the U.S. energy industry. ESICT partners include power utilities, four-year and two-year colleges, high schools, social service organizations, and the Idaho National Laboratory. The project is disseminating its competency model and curricula through a regional workshop to include partner colleges in Idaho, the energy industry, regional educational institutions in Utah and Nevada, and the community.