This CCLI Phase Two Project is addressing the need for more effective methods to integrate experimental design into the engineering curriculum. The project is building on a prototype virtual laboratory based on a first-principles numerical model of chemical vapor deposition that provides students access to a selected output of the model and thus allows them to concentrate on the complete interactive experimental design process typical of practicing engineers. The prototype is being expanded to include process economic constraints and statistics, reflective tools, and authentic variability tools. A virtual laboratory of an industrial bioreactor process is also being developed and these virtual laboratories are being used in conjunction with physical laboratories. This project is promoting teaching, learning, and faculty expertise through implementation in 3 undergraduate, 2 graduate, approximately 10 community college and approximately 10 high school programs. The assessment includes end-of-project surveys, data collected via the virtual laboratories, and "think aloud" protocols to qualitatively and quantitatively study the ways students learn using virtual laboratories. The findings from this project are being disseminated at top engineering education conferences and journals, as well as through a website.