Biological Sciences (61). This project is refining, expanding and assessing a series of interactive, web-based instructional modules - the MathBench Biology Modules - which integrate mathematics more deeply into the undergraduate biological sciences curriculum in a way that reinforces biological concepts and increases quantitative literacy. The modules use humor, references to popular culture and interactive elements to engage students, but also build upon students' intuitive understanding to help them explore biological concepts using mathematical approaches. The modules focus on ten major quantitative skills identified by university faculty as being essential for a comprehensive understanding of modern biology. Twenty-six modules were previously developed and were piloted in five fundamental biology courses. Faculty from the partnering institutions are collaborating to modify a subset of the modules to address the specific needs of students enrolled at a nearby community college where increasingly large numbers of university graduates begin their education. The entire MathBench suite of modules is also being enriched with more robust interactive elements that fully capitalize on the advantages of technology-enhanced instruction. The effect of the modules on student learning outcomes and attitudes are being assessed, with the feedback being used to further refine the modules.
Intellectual Merit: This project addresses a pressing national need by enhancing the interdisciplinary training of biological sciences undergraduates. The MathBench Biology Modules are thoroughly grounded in pedagogical research and fully leverage the capabilities of modern instructional technology. Integration of the MathBench modules into fundamental courses across the biological sciences curriculum will allow students from diverse educational backgrounds to hone their quantitative skills, preparing them for more complex mathematical approaches in upper-division courses. The project team has strong expertise in interdisciplinary biological research, innovative use of technology in instruction, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Broader Impacts: The MathBench Biology Modules have significant broader impacts. First, they enhance the educational mission of institutions of higher education by exposing students to mathematical approaches essential for a deep understanding of biological concepts. Second, the adaptation of the MathBench modules for use at the community college level will help equilibrate the quantitative foundation of biological sciences majors at the university level regardless of where they receive their introduction to biology. Because community college enrollment includes large numbers of minorities and students who are the first in their families to attend college, this project's efforts benefit groups of students traditionally underrepresented in the sciences. Third, the project will have a lasting reach beyond the campuses where the modules are being developed because the modules will be freely available on the MathBench website and will be submitted for inclusion in national digital libraries. The modules' easy accessibility will make it possible for them to be disseminated widely in a variety of educational contexts at both the community college and university levels.