The Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources (NCSR) is developing a series of materials focused on technical issues associated with mitigation of wetland loss and construction of new wetlands, and recovery of marine ecosystems that support restoration of fish populations. These materials address topics identified as essential to increasing the knowledge and skills of natural resource technicians. This focus helps natural resource technicians meet the future demands placed on our natural resources. NCSR's materials include curriculum support materials and comprehensive teaching modules (classroom ready, stand-alone instructional units designed to develop specific knowledge and skills). They are designed to be easily adapted by faculty. These materials and modules provide faculty with new scientific research and management practices associated with the recovery of ecosystems and are designed for incorporation into their instructional materials. A series of professional development institutes focused on adaptation of these materials are also planned. The institutes help faculty to integrate these advanced materials into technical and supporting science courses at the associate and baccalaureate level. Further, to promote developing college-bound natural resource students at high schools, the Center assists teachers in adapting community-based natural resource materials and activities into their secondary science curricula. The Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources is a National Resource Center for ecosystem-based natural resource and environmental science education. The Center's foci are: (1) natural resource and environmental science educational materials development; (2) dissemination and adaptation of these materials by educators; and (3) development and implementation of professional development institutes.