This Phase II Noyce project seeks to: 1) recruit more highly qualified individuals into careers in mathematics and science teaching; 2) prepare these individuals to teach mathematics and science in standards-based ways; 3) support mathematics and science teachers in their induction years through online social networking; and 4) evaluate program success in terms of recruitment, preparation, and retention of mathematics and science teachers. In each year of the 3-year project, 14 stipends of $10,000 are offered to qualified STEM professionals who hold a baccalaureate, masters, or doctoral degree in mathematics, science, or related field who enroll in MU's alternative certification program in mathematics and science education, resulting in 42 new science and math teachers. The students are obligated to teach mathematics or science for two years in a high need school district (preferably in Missouri), within 6 years after program completion. The project is developing and implementing the Noyce Scholar Support Network (NSSN), an on-line collaboration and learning environment, where past, current, and future Noyce Scholars, along with MU mathematics and science educators, form a community of learners. Participation in the NSSN has the potential of increasing teacher retention in the field. The evaluation work includes the development and dissemination of new instruments for judging the success of alternative certification.