(Biological Sciences 61) The Proposed project is a joint effort of Augustana College and St Andrews University. They propose to evaluate whether or not computer-assisted instruction (CAI) enhances students' ability to interpret 3D structural relationships. Their goal is to enhance and augment typical human anatomy laboratory exercises by: developing laboratory modules (10 at Augustana and 11 at St Andrews), utilizing the Cyber-Anatomy(TM) software program; and introducing these modules into college-level human anatomy and combined anatomy and physiology (A & P) courses. They will test students' ability to understand and interpret 3D spatial relationships upon entering a college-level human anatomy or A & P course and determine the improvement, if any, in the students' understanding and interpretation of 3D structural relationships following the completion of such courses with and without CAI.
Intellectual Merit: Although CAI has been utilized in undergraduate anatomy and A & P courses for several years, very few studies have focused on the effectiveness of these undergraduate courses. This project fills that void in the current literature. The innovative aspects of this proposed study are (1) the involvement of four instructors at two different undergraduate institutions; (2) the collaboration of faculty from the Center for Computer-Aided Design at the University of Iowa in the development of the software program, Cyber-Anatomy (TM); and (3) the development of laboratory modules linked to a new human anatomy software program designed to enhance students' ability to interpret 3D structural relationships.
Broader Impact: If use of CAI results in a positive outcome as regards student learning and student attitudes towards the sciences involved, additional work will be undertaken to further develop the tool. This computer program and others like it could provide an excellent tool for CAI in human anatomy courses and combined A&P courses at community colleges and four-year undergraduate institutions, nation wide.