Hagerstown Community College, in partnership with secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, and bioscience employers, is establishing a biotechnology and biomanufacturing pathway using the College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI) model. The partnerships are collaborating to address the need in the high growth biotechnology and biomanufacturing industries for technicians and scientists with problem-solving, mathematics, and critical thinking abilities, specific technical skills, and experience using state-of-the-art equipment. The core of the project is an articulated 9-14 curriculum that is all-inclusive, with multiple entry points. At the high-school level, resources are being targeted to first-generation college-bound, minority, and low income students from four Washington County high schools. At the college level, certificate and AAS degree programs in Biotechnology are providing academic and technical skills to students matriculating at varying levels of preparation and motivation, including high school students taking college courses before graduation. Development of articulation agreements with post-secondary partners (Frostburg State University, Hood College, Mount St. Mary's University, and the University of Maryland School of Medicine) is preparing for seamless transfers of biotechnology students to enter baccalaureate-level programs. The project incorporates assessment and remediation of math skills at the high school and college levels, increased development of math skills by providing real-life examples of the applications of mathematics in biotechnology, alignment and integration of these mathematics applications in all biotechnology coursework, and state-of-the-art bioscience instrumentation and materials for new laboratory facilities. The project also incorporates secondary teacher professional development and an orientation program for guidance counselors, and provides on-campus employer internship sites in addition to external internship opportunities for students.