Chemistry (12) Project PREDICT (Predicting Results and Evaluating Data using Insights from Computational Techniques) is enhancing the educational experience for all students enrolled in the chemistry curriculum at the State University of New York College at Oneonta (SUNY Oneonta) by introducing computational chemistry through a graduated approach. The coordinated nature of PREDICT facilitates students' ability to transfer and develop skills throughout the entire undergraduate chemistry curriculum, from general chemistry through advanced courses. Activities combine hands-on experimental components with in-depth complementary computational exercises to demonstrate how microscopic phenomena lead to macroscopic properties. Chemistry students are gaining an enhanced understanding of the particulate nature of matter by using computational chemistry to visualize molecular properties and processes. The accessibility of computational software on students' own computers permits more comprehensive inquiry than is possible with location-restricted computational resources. Materials developed for non-majors are shared with local educators via the Science Discovery Center of Oneonta, a hands-on physical science activity center located on the SUNY Oneonta campus. These teachers gain experience to discuss and implement computational techniques into their classrooms.
PREDICT reaches more than 750 individual students each academic year, including roughly 115 pre-service teachers who deliver science curricula to all K-12 levels. Non-majors more easily visualize the microscopic interactions of matter, which improves their scientific literacy and helps them develop interpretive, interpolative, and extrapolative skills. Education majors enter their profession with direct experience they can use as they educate future generations of scientists and citizens, and have the opportunity to return to the SDC with their students to use these resources.