The project is supporting a workshop to begin organizing an undergraduate curriculum around the National Academy of Engineering's Grand Challenges by creating a Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP). The goal of the workshop is to develop a critical mass of no fewer than ten engineering schools with active GCSPs that are educating undergraduate students by Fall 2010. This is being accomplished by inviting teams from the seventeen engineering schools that have expressed interest along with several other schools to increase the diversity of the participants. The workshop's agenda includes discussion of the objectives for an institutional GCSP for engineering undergraduates; the merits of and challenges in developing a GCSP from the perspective of academic and business leaders; fund raising strategies; an outline for vetting, revising, and submitting a plan to the national GCSP steering committee; and implementing a program. The workshop organizer are planning to present sessions on the workshop at the FIE and ASEE meetings to share their ideas and results with the broader community.