This project is awarding scholarships to 30 students, mostly Latino, pursuing an AS degree in Mathematics and Science or Computer Networking or a BS in Computer Information Systems. This program is strengthening student support services to better serve the students in these disciplines with increased tutoring services, seminars on study skills, STEM careers and advanced degrees, and opportunities for networking. Students are being supported for three years, so that they can earn their degree or transfer to an institution that provides STEM specializations that the National Hispanic University (NHU) does not provide. Students completing an A.S. degree at NHU are counseled and encouraged to transfer to a four-year institution. This S-STEM project builds upon the successes of a CSEMS grant received by NHU in 2005. Under CSEMS, the university supported 31 students, and built relationships with IBM, Stanford, NASA-Ames, and Cornell University. This project additionally aims to increase the number of women and Latinos entering the STEM workforce.