An award has been made to Mississippi State University to establish a Phase I Climate Change Education Partnership (CCEP) in collaboration with the University of Alabama-Huntsville and the University of Mississippi. The overall goal of the Phase I CCEP program is establishing a coordinated national network of regionally- or thematically-based partnerships devoted to increasing the adoption of effective, high quality educational programs and resources related to the science of climate change and its impacts. This specific project is developing the foundation of a partnership for improving climate literacy in the Southeast US (SE US). The target audience includes children and adults being reached through formal and informal learning environments. The project is enabling the regional population to make informed climate change-related decisions. The project is identifying and engaging strategically positioned organizations and individuals to develop a regional partnership with a shared vision and effective relationships and connections. It is identifying target groups; determining their understanding of climate change and its local impacts; cataloging related educational materials; creating workshops, providing training and professional development; and pilot-testing pre-existing key educational resources. The project partners are developing: (i) a strategic plan and evaluative system for Phase I that manages a dynamic process of development, implementation, formative assessment, and ongoing refinement; and (ii) a future plan for extending the partnership more extensively across the SE US. The project is producing 1) a robust, nimble, and integrated network of individuals and organizations mobilizing to increase and improve climate change literacy in the SE US; 2) catalog of vetted resources and outreach/training strategies for climate change education; 3) a strategic plan articulating vision, mission, and goals; formalizing commitments among partners; identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; detailing implementation strategies for a CCEP Program Phase II grant; and articulating strategies for sustainability after NSF funding expires; and 4) evaluation results that are assessing the effectiveness of the CCEP Phase I project. More information on this project is available by contacting Dr. Karen McNeal, at
CLIPSE brought together over 24 core partners and 50 partnering organizations from 11 states. This interdisciplinary and broad reaching group conducted workshops, listening sessions, and survey assessments to understand the climate literacy needs of individuals, communities, and key leaders from faith-based audiences, K-16 educators, leisure and outdoor enthusiasts, agriculture communities, and culturally diverse groups in the SEUS on the topic of climate change. The project brought segments of the population together that would not have normally interacted and worked with key leaders from target audiences to determine the needs and best strategies to address climate within these groups. This process provided opportunities for the stakeholder groups not traditionally represented in the climate debate to have a voice and to engage in the conversation. Furthermore, it opened the door for further conversations about climate change with these organizations and individuals. The CLiPSE piloted dialogues provided opportunities for individuals to hear multiple perspectives that addressed both the cognitive and affective lenses of learning, creating space for individuals to bring their whole selves to the conversation and connect with multiple identities and ideologies. These steps perhaps helped to break barriers and the polarization surrounding climate change in the SEUS to allow space for stakeholders to make informed decisions and determine appropriate climate solutions. As a result of these activities, CLiPSE has developed a strategic plan for addressing climate literacy in the SEUS and has determined that the best way to engage stakeholders is to invite them into an honest dialogue where it prioritizes understanding over resolution and emphasizes people’s values and beliefs as they relate to climate change information.