This collaborative project between Morehead State University, Northern Kentucky University, and the University of Kentucky provides information about the extent to which an innovative learning experience focused on the professional noticing of children's numeracy develops preservice teachers' (PSETs') capacity to attend to, interpret, and respond appropriately to the mathematical thinking of children. The project uses a module, Noticing Numeracy Now (N3), developed by the researchers and based on professional literature in the areas of professional noticing and the Stages of Early Arithmetic Learning (SEAL). The research advances knowledge and understanding of how teacher educators can facilitate PSETs' development of professional noticing, knowledge of children's conception of unit, mathematical knowledge for teaching, and positive attitudes toward mathematics. The activities present a creative and potentially transformative approach to the preparation of future elementary teachers through classroom and field activities that explicitly promote the development of the component skills of professional noticing in the context of SEAL.
The Noticing Numeracy Now (N3) module, designed for replication, is being implemented at six universities, the three lead institutions along with Eastern Kentucky University, Murray State University and the University of Louisville. The student populations at these institutions represent cultural and socio-economic diversity, including underrepresented groups. Collectively, the six universities draw their student populations from culturally diverse, urban populations and predominately Appalachian rural populations. Many of the students are the first in their families to study at a university.