The Educate and Nurture Leadership in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (ENLISTEM) project is recruiting and awarding scholarships to financially needy and academically talented students who are enrolled in a course of study leading to an associate degree in a STEM discipline, increasing the likelihood of participants transferring and completing a baccalaureate degree. Building upon prior success at the college, ENLISTEM is establishing an outreach pipeline designed to increase enrollment in the STEM disciplines and build upon existing student support structures that have a proven record of success in enrolling, retaining, graduating and transferring two-year associate degree students. The ENLISTEM Project has three components: 1) Outreach; 2) Student Support Services; and 3) Academic Enrichment Opportunities through a Cohort Experience in a STEM Learning Cluster.
Intellectual Merit: The program builds upon existing support structures and a research base to ensure that participants have a quality support program so that they can be retained and graduate or transfer. A broad range of faculty expertise and administrative support provides students with a multi-disciplinary approach to STEM study and career development. In addition, with industry partnership in the STEM workshop activities, mentoring opportunities, and tours, greater connection to the career side of STEM preparation is created.
Broader Impact: By recruiting from a variety of internal and external forums from high schools to community colleges, the program is increasing the number of students in the STEM disciplines and retaining them to graduation and transfer. Because of the diverse student population at the college, the project is broadening the participation of underrepresented groups.