The Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) program is attracting and retaining academically talented and under-represented students from low-income and disadvantaged families to achieve degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics (CSMP) by offering them financial support, academic support, and enrichment opportunities. The program is targeting prospective students recruited through public schools, two-year colleges and community organizations, as well as promising students enrolled in CSMP and related programs at CCSU. Scholars are being assigned faculty mentors and are receiving a wide range of support in academic and career planning, mentoring, counseling, and internships. CSMP fields are providing research-rich learning environments that offer students the opportunity to participate in a variety of ongoing research projects with an emphasis on interdisciplinary work. Student cohorts are creating a supportive environment for scholars ensuring their academic success, retention and timely graduation. An established, well-functioning student support infrastructure coupled with faculty and staff experienced in mentoring under-represented students is helping minorities, female, and first-generation students achieve their education goals. This is leading to a strong and diverse workforce for CSMP. Student research and publication experiences are building a graduate pipeline of under-represented students into the academy.