The college in collaboration with the World Center for Concrete Technology is developing a sustainability concrete technology project. Activities include educational materials development, research, professional development, and outreach to industry through seminars and job fairs. The primary audiences affected are two-year community college students, secondary school teachers, secondary school students, and concrete technology faculty.
The project has five deliverables: (1) Research by two-year technology students into CO2 sequestration in concrete masonry product based upon a range of mix designs, admixtures, and curing methods. (2) Professional development for regional secondary school science instructors and their students through webinars, site visits to the center, and participation in the research project. (3) Outreach to industry by sponsoring job fairs to connect employers and two-year community college students. (4) An online certificate for industry professionals with capstone courses in sustainability, energy conservation, kiln optimization, and CO2 capture. (5) Formation of a four-year degree in Concrete Technology offered through the college.
Intellectual Merit: There is a documented connection between CO2 emissions, cement production, the extensive use of concrete as a primary construction material worldwide, greenhouse gases, climate change, and global warming. The research component of this project is quantifying the carbon sequestration potential of concrete masonry according to range of production factors. Because no substitute for concrete as a construction material currently exists, establishing the potential of concrete as a sequestration agent has merit in the U.S. and across the developing world.
Broader Impact: The project is (1) enhancing technical education in two cohorts of concrete technology students who can then enter their careers backed with extensive research experience; (2) developing science, technology, and mathematics instruction among regional science instructors; (3) developing a four-year degree in Concrete Technology at the college; (4) contributing research that has potential impact on CO2 emission levels worldwide; (5) promoting sustainability to industry professionals through the development and delivery of an online certificate; and (6) establishing the WCCT as a national center of sustainability research. An advisory committee of industry leaders, community college educators, and public/private sector employers meet quarterly to provide guidance to the project.
, contained the following components: (1) enhancing technical education through research on CO2 sequestration in concrete masonry product; (2) developing an online certificate for incumbent workers in the concrete industry; (3) outreach to regional science teachers and occupational students through seminars and presentations; (4) connecting students to employers by hosting three job fairs at the World Center for Concrete Technology during the life of the grant; and (5) offering a 4-year Baccalaureate degree in Concrete Technology. An robust advisory team comprised of employers, educators, industry leaders, trade association professionals, and a project evaluator was formed and met throughout the grant cycle. The project evaluator attended all advisory team meetings and many grant functions. The summary conclusion from his final evaluation report is quoted below: "The Sustainability in Concrete Technology project accomplished nearly all of its goals and objectives during its three years. Its notable accomplishments include assembling a strong advisory committee comprised of college personnel and business and industry leaders; conducting a robust program of K-12 outreach; completing an ambitious research agenda; developing two online certificate programs; and laying the groundwork for program sustainability through new business and industry relationships." The intellectural merit of the project derived primarily from the research conducted on CO2 capture in concrete masonry product. Research concluded that CO2 can be captured at ambient conditions using approximately 20 percent less water than conventional mixes leading to earlier strengths, both factors of signficance to concrete masonry producers concerned with curing cycles and energy-efficient production. The broader impact was experienced most definitively in the outreach component of the project. More than 150 area K-12 science students came to the World Center for Concrete Technology at Alpena Community College to attend seminars related to the project and to access research and best practices through Facebook and the project website. The project also impacted ACC two-year AAS in Concrete Technology students with five students participating directly in the research and the remainder engaging researchers through classroom presentations and discussions regarding the research as it progressed. In all, the project represented a milestone in "Green Concrete" research and advanced technician training with a number of promising avenues presented for future inquiry and research. ACC looks forward to future opportunities to conduct research in this important environmental area.