This project is connecting the biology and chemistry curricula as well as increasing the number of inquiry-based laboratory modules by incorporating a common research theme into select courses. The General Chemistry lab is being revised to introduce all biology and chemistry students to fundamental scientific concepts using a discovery-based approach to solve real-world problems such as carbon dioxide release and biofuel combustion. Research experiences are being introduced into four additional courses - two in biology and two in chemistry. These linked courses are introducing students to the purest form of inquiry by having them synthesize anticancer ruthenium complexes and conduct research on the chemical and biological properties of this new class of drug. All modules incorporate elements of the gradualism approach in which students start off with highly structured, well-defined tasks that focus on building basic skills and then progress to more open-ended projects.
Outcomes of this project include improved critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. The activities are helping students develop an integrated view of modern science as they tackle a real-world problem - drug development - from both biological and chemical perspectives. Student collaborations on research within and across courses is building a stronger sense of community among biology and chemistry majors.