This project will create a Top Achieving Scholars (TAS) program to provide 20 four-year scholarships and 12 three-year scholarship in three cohorts for academically talented and financially needy students in computer engineering, computer science, civil engineering, electrical engineering, manufacturing engineering, and mechanical engineering at The University of Texas-Pan American (UTPA). The goals of the project are to improve educational opportunities for students by coupling student preparation with mentoring, tutoring, and research opportunities; to achieve student academic success and research excellence while providing broad educational access; and to cultivate more Hispanic Engineers by, among other things, increasing retention of students to degree achievement. Proposed efforts include ten different activities and services in recruiting, mentoring and student leadership development. These activities and services will foster students' growth and interest in their fields of study. A unique and valuable aspect of the program is its effort to influence students who are not in the program. This includes providing constructive feedback to applicants who are not selected, and forming learning communities with both TAS and non-TAS students. The requirement that students prepare a professional plan or technical document to share with family and community will also extend the program's reach beyond the funded students. This project would have a direct positive impact on the participation in the STEM fields by Hispanic Americans since the institution is an HSI. This project could provide a model for other underrepresented groups such as African Americans, Native Americans and women in the STEM fields.