The University of Kentucky New Opportunities Yielding Classroom Excellence (UK-NOYCE) Mathematics and Science Fellows Program Phase II is designed to attract thirty (30) additional senior class students and practicing professionals, especially in underrepresented populations (women, minorities, and students with disabilities) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to become credentialed secondary mathematics and science teachers through a collaborative effort by the College of Education, College of Engineering, and College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky, and four local school districts--Fayette County Public Schools, Scott County Public Schools, Jessamine County Public Schools, and Woodford County Public Schools. The project involves Noyce scholars in a Masters of Arts in Education with Initial Certification program, an early classroom experience of 7-weeks duration, and a summer institute. The latter involves 41 Noyce scholars from the Phase I project, as well as Noyce recipients from three other projects in Kentucky. A product of this Phase II project will be a training manual for replication of the UK-Noyce program by others. The Phase II evaluation activities move beyond the required tracking of recipients to include indicators of the effectiveness of the program in attracting STEM majors to teaching, the impact of the program on departments and the institution, and the effectiveness of the NOYCE Scholars as measured by their performance in the classroom and their impact on student learning.