This project is designed to bring together Montclair State University (MSU), Saint Peter's University (SPU), and Seton Hall University (SHU) to collaborate and enable students who have demonstrated academic ability to pursue a Master's Degree in Computer Science. Computer science students as well as those students who have majored in other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and non-STEM fields are eligible for the scholarships. As partner institutions, SPU and SHU are participating with the university in supporting and mentoring students. The program is using a seminar series to strengthen the collaboration among the participating institutions and pursuing collaborations with other schools in the region.
Intellectual Merit: The scholarship program is designed to serve as a model and structure for small geographical regions where multiple institutions service diverse populations. It is also strengthening the ties between these regional institutions so that these institutions can combine their strengths to better serve the student population. The program team consists of seven faculty members, five from MSU, one from SHU and one from SPU. All team members bring significant experiences in advising and mentoring students to the project.
Broader Impacts: The program is mentoring and supporting students through their graduate studies in computer science, many of whom are women and under-represented minorities. It is also offering opportunities to students from non-STEM backgrounds, since the program is considering strong candidates from non-CS backgrounds for the program. With 40% of New Jersey students leaving the state for post-secondary education, there is a significant need for programs in state to service the college student pool, so that the top talent invests in the region. Results are being disseminated at appropriate computer science conferences and journals as well as at the annual New Jersey Academy of Sciences (NJAS) meeting. The NJAS meeting is also serving as a platform for recruiting more institutions into the collaboration.