The Maine Mathematics and Science Scholars for School and University Collaboration Centered on Educating STEM Students (SUCCESS) Program is providing talented students majoring in applied mathematics, chemistry, biology, marine sciences, and environmental sciences at the University of New England (UNE) with four-year scholarships, education programs, mentoring, internship opportunities, and career counseling. The program has five primary objectives: 1) increase the number of meritorious students majoring in STEM programs; 2) provide scholarships to students interested in pursuing a STEM career who may otherwise not be able to attend UNE due to financial constraints; 3) retain STEM students to graduation; 4) develop sustained excellence in undergraduate STEM education; and 5) support SUCCESS Scholars with internships and career counseling. UNE chemistry/physics and mathematical science faculty and staff liaise with faculty and staff from targeted high schools to encourage talented STEM-bound students with demonstrated financial need to apply. The SUCCESS program also includes a weeklong summer bridge program consisting of coursework in mathematics, science, and English, as well as the Trailblazers program, which is designed to increase student appreciation of available natural and human resources and to establish rapport among the participants. Overall, the program facilitates SUCCESS Scholars' ability to obtain local employment in STEM fields.