Indiana offers convenient access to products for two-thirds of the U.S. population. Ivy Tech and the Purdue University College of Technology (CoT) collaborate to develop a technology-based logistics program designed to meet the growing demands of Indiana's employers. Four primary objectives include: 1) informing Indiana high school and middle school students and Career and Technology Education teachers about educational and career opportunities in the field of logistics; 2) developing industry-driven logistics curricula for Ivy Tech and the CoT at Purdue University; 3) developing smooth student transfer between the Associate's degree programs in logistics at Ivy Tech and the Bachelor's degree programs at the CoT at Purdue; and 4) implementing an outreach and recruitment program to encourage Ivy Tech's Associate's degree students to continue their education through to a Bachelor's degree. The project works with industry, the ATE National Center for Supply Chain Technology Education (NCSCTE). The evaluation includes qualitative and quantitative measures of student success.